Obviously, I'm biased !
Mitra mitra@mitra.biz, 9 October 95.
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VRBS is very close to our behavior scheme, I believe both were developed independantly. They are close enough that several good ideas from VRBS that we had missed have been incorporated, especially seperating out Loading a script, from Running it, event handling, and obtaining world and machine information.
DEF MyDoor WWWInline { "door.wrl" } DEF MyAlarm WWWInline { "alarm.wrl" } Connect { from MyDoor.isOpen to MyAlarm.ring }I cannot think of a good way to get this trivial behavior any other way.
DEF DoorPad RegionSensor { bbox ~~~~~~ # define a volume above the doormat for sensing Separator { # draw a picture of the doormat here } } DEF MyDoor SwingDoor { # draw door frame here isA Separator fields [ SFBool READWRITE doorOpen ] doorOpen FALSE Switch { whichChild USE MyDoor.doorOpen Separator { RotationXYZ { axis Y angle 0 } DEF DoorBody Separator { # Draw door here } } Separator { RotationXYZ { axis Y angle 1.5708 } USE DoorBody } } } Connection { from DoorPad.isIn # connect value of isIn field to MyDoor.doorOpen }
function "set SFColor diffuseColor 1 0 0"
vsSetObjDiffuse $obj $userDataI would have something like
setFieldSFColor $obj "diffuseColor" $userData
For example, (sorry I can't draw neat diagrams while I'm on the road :-), most people implementing VRML in a "Frame" or "Cluster" oriented render such as RenderWare or Reality Lab, seem to be moving towards a O-O representation which keeps a tree of Separators, with pointers to the internal data structures of RW or RL, throwing away any internal representation of things that are not Separators. This is why I get concerned about examples which change the color of a cube, since this cube won't have any single place to change its color in a RL/RW representation. A VRML file containing
Separator { Cube { } Cone { } }Will be mapped to an internal object representing the Separator, pointing to a RW Frame, and a polygon mesh inside that Frame representing both the Cube *AND* the Cone.
I'm not saying which O-O representation is correct, I think it inappropriate that VRML should enforce one or the other. However, I do believe that an O-O critique of VRML is usefull, and VRML should be written in such a way as to facilitate O-O representations of it.
Most of my comments below are to do with how *I* would implement an O-O like structure for VRML, and are not things I think should be required.
userData redbecomes
userData [ SFColor, "1 0 0" ]Kyle suggests defing a new basic type SFFields instead of using an SFString, in which case this could be slightly simplified to.
userData [ SFColor 1 0 0 ]While this is slightly more complex in this case, (but, you don't include code to turn red into (1 0 0) anyway), it is much nicer when it comes to multiple parameters, and doesn't require the script to have string matching algorithms to figure out parameters.
This paper has a lot of similarities to our work as well, especially to VRML+ [3], and to our networked protocol [4]